2009年9月25日 星期五

Rukun Tetannga sources:http://www.rukuntetangga.com/

Rukun Tetangga or community centres were projects launched in the early years of the 70s and 80s to help minimize the possibility of crime in residential areas. Until today, Rukun Tetanggas are still prominently active in such areas where they run more fellowship programmes than night patrols. Rukun Tetangga was previously very much associated with night patrols where residents of a specific area group together and walk around in groups every night in order to keep the area safe.

Apart from that, Rukun Tetangga also serves as the Resident’s Association of the specific area. But with more areas setting up official Resident’s Association, this role held by the Rukun Tetangga are now not as prominent. Today, Rukun Tetangga have taken a more subsided role in that it promotes more neighbourliness than security. This are programmes like cooking classes, sewing and singing classes and such. to say the least, the Rukun Tetangga’s responsibilities and roles have diminished much since its inception but still, it has managed to bring people of a certain residential area together for a good cause. Rukuntetangga.com.my is a portal where you can find out all the activities that are being run by these community centres as well as to keep in touch with people from a particular community. To be eligible for membership in a specific Rukun Tetangga, you must be a permanent resident of that particular Taman or garden as this is the policy upheld by more Rukun Tetanggas.


This section of rukuntetangga.com.my provides all the specific references that you need on Rukun Tetanggas. To understand better its roles, responsibilities and jurisdiction, you must first know who the bodies involved in running the Rukun Tetangga. Under the purview of the Jabatan Perpaduan Negara and Integrasi Nasional or the National Integration and Unity Department, the department is responsible to plant the seeds of unity and such sentiments into Malaysians through community based programmes and events. However of late, more ministries have come into the picture providing more funding and support in helping to make the society a more harmonious place.


2009年9月24日 星期四

Interviewed by TV2

Interviewed by TV2


Rumah Terbuka Lambang Satu Malaysia


Jiran Wanita Rukun Tetangga Kampung Kassipilai bersama sama penghuni Kampung Kassipilai akan telah mengunjungi Putra Jaya pada 20hb September untuk mengucapkan SALAM kepada Perdana Menteri,Dato Seri Najib dan menteri cabinet yang lain bersempena dengan perayaaan rumah
Terbuka Hari Aidili Filtri yang diadakan di kediaman rasmi PM Dato Seri Najib di Putrajaya
Lawatan ini memberikan kenangan yang mendalam kepada penghuni penghuni kampong Kasippilay
Pada pendapat mereka PM dan menteri cabinet lain yang menyambut tetamu pada hari mesra
Dan prihatin . Pelbagai makanan yang disediakan enak , hiburan yang dipesembahkan pada hari
Itu sangat menarik , kita becakap dan bergaul dengan saudara saudari yang berketurunan
Lain , kita memang sangat gembira kerana dapat meraikan hari yang mulia di atas semangat
Satu Malaysia. Pihak penganjur membuat perssdian dengan sempurna , kereta khas juga di sediakan
Untuk mengagngkut orang kurang upaya dan orang tua, Canopy canopy juga diletakan
Pada tempat tempat yang strategic bagi mengelakan pengunjung dari cahaya matahari dan hujan
Sekali kali kita ucapkan Taniah kepada YAB Dato Seri Najib ,PM Malaysia dan pihak yang berkenaaan
Kerana telah menjayakan program perayaan rumah terbuka Aidil Filtri diatas semangat

Kampung Kassipilai satu kampung yang berbilang bangsa ,penghuni nya termasuk Tamil , sink , Gujarati , China , Kaum ehnik dari Sabah , Sarawak ,Nesrani ,Portugis ,philipin dan timur barat seumpama MINI ASIA

Saudara kita yang berketurunan bajau dari Sabah yang bertugas sebagai pengawas di Pangsapuri Sri Bandar , sangat menghayati Dato Seri Najib , mereka gantungkan Gambar Dato Seri di bilik pengawas mereka secara kemas.

KRT Kassipilai adalah KRT yang pertama di Malaysia , ahli RT lama

termasuk Abraham Moses , Thanasingam , Gopal ,Mr.Sek . Miss Sharo
Satu Jasa besar Bekas PM ialah mentransformasikan Perikatan kepada Barisan Nasional untuk memperelatkan Perpaduan dan Membawa kemakmuran dan Kestabilan yang kukuh

2009年7月13日 星期一

हिन्दी TEMPLE

Kuala Lumpur is a unique metropolis in terms of religion, as visitors of all major faiths have little difficulty in finding a place of worship. For Hindu tourists from both out-station as well as overseas, there are a few temples that are must-visits. For non-worshippers, the main lure of visiting such temples is to admire the gopuram (tower-entrance) which is sculptured with tier-after- tier of images from Hindu legend and mythology. The profusion of colourful figurines is simply mind-boggling! The structure of a Hindu temple corresponds roughly to the human body, and the gopuram symbolises the feet. The garbagraham (inner sanctum) corresponds to the head, and houses the main deity.

Already a popular tourist attraction as well as a place of worship, the Sri Maha Thurkai Amman Temple officially opened in early September 2005. Located in Rawang, the temple is one hour's drive from Kuala Lumpur. From the city, travel along Jalan Ipoh until the 16th kilometre in Rawang. As you approach an overhead bypass, turn left, which has a traffic light at the first junction. Then turn right and proceed along Jalan Kuala Garing for one kilometre. The temple is on the right side of the road.

Visitors are greeted with a magnificent arch flanked by two Hindu deities. The main entrance of the temple building is "guarded" by the sword-wielding Sri Mathurai Veeran, Sri Sangil Karuppana Swami and Sri Vetta Karuppana Swami, both seated atop a charging steed each. The layout of the temple is trapezoid in plan, and its walled compound has several shrines housing images of Hindu deities standing more than 6m in height. As you stroll along the left compound, catch sight of the following goddesses: Sri Varaki with a head of a boar, the eight-armed Sri Sarawathi playing a sitar, the ten-armed Sri Gayathiri Devi and the eight-armed Sri Prathangara Devi sitting on a lion. More images of other deities are found on the right courtyard. Painted colourful scenes from Hindu mythology adorn both the interior and exterior walls of the temple building, and the maroon marbled floor inside exudes sheer elegance. In the inner sanctum of the temple, stands the image of the main deity Gurga Devi, who is flanked by Lord Ganesh and Lord Murugan.

The grand dame of Hindu temples in Kuala Lumpur is arguably the Sri Mahamariamman Temple in Jalan Tun H.S. Lee. It was originally founded in 1873 and renovated a few times. The elaborately decorated gopuram (tower entrance) is a sight to behold, and inside the shrine are images of deities embellished with precious jewels. During Thaipusam, a chariot in the temple makes a long journey to Batu Caves, 15 km north of Kuala Lumpur. Outside the temple are stalls selling garlands and sweetmeats.

Discovered in 1891 by American explorer Wlliam Hornaby, Batu Caves is home to the Subramanian Swamy Temple, tucked in a massive cavern measuring 100m high and 80m long. Access to the cavern is by climbing a concrete stairway consisting of 272 steps. Of more interest to tourists is the Art Gallery Cave which contains dozens of images of Hindu deities. Literature buffs should not miss the Poet's Cave -- its walls has displays of the works of the famous Hindu poet Thiruvalluvar. Monkeys and pigeons roam freely in the compounds of the temple complex. The attention-grabber is the 43 metre-high golden statue of Lord Murugam in the grounds of the complex.

Another temple that never fails to impress with its ornate tower-entrance is the Sri Kandasamy Temple in Jalan Scott in Brickfields. Established in 1902, it is of Sri Lankan origin. In the district of Sentul, Ahthi Eeswaran Temple at Jalan 7, Off Jalan Sentul is also worth a visit.

Lakshmi Narayan Temple in Kampung Kasipillai is unique as it is the only North Indian Hindu shrine in the Kuala Lumpur. There is no tower-entrance which typifies South Indian temples; instead two towers composed of multi-domes crown its roof. Ornamentation inside the building consists of non-figurative carvings in marble, and saffron, which is considered a sacred colour, predominates.

For more details about the author, please visit his website at http://ewepaikleong.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paik-Leong_Ewe




吉隆坡发展大蓝图第二册第二部分所提供的资讯是有关于土地用途及发展密度的事项。里边编号100的标志地图 所涵盖的地方包括了怡保路二条石美联园(TAMAN MILLION)及华丽镇(KAMPONG KASIPPILAI)这两个住宅区。 这地图出现一些错误。 城市阁(SRI BANDAR)公寓与吉隆坡实业大厦(KL)之间建有一座桥墚但并没有 标志在这地图上。城市阁(SRI BANDAR)公寓是一座九层楼的公寓却被标志为(R1)的单居建筑 物。而且着地图所显示的人口密度及发展密度也不准确。除此之外聚星堂关帝庙也没有标志在这地图上。 地图是规划发展中重要的文件,不可出现严重的错误。因为这可以造成规划不周全而引起交通阻塞及公共设施不 足等的民生问题。我不知其他的地图有没有出现这样的问题。如有的话有关单局不应急于推行吉隆坡发展大蓝图 的计划。应分阶段分地区,让吉隆坡每一个地区的市民参与检查吉隆坡发展大蓝图之后再推行吉隆坡发展大蓝图的计划。 所谓欲速而不达,如要把吉隆坡打造为世界级的城市,市政局策划部门也必须遵守国际标准机构(ISO)所定的满 足客户及言行一致的两大原则。

by rakyat